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9914号台风风暴潮、巨浪特点分析及其预报   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文介绍了1999年14号台凤造成闽南沿海地区灾害概况,分析了台风、暴潮、巨浪的特点,阐述了本台对台风暴潮巨浪监测预报服务情况,说明加强海洋灾害预报预报在防灾减灾中的重要作用。  相似文献   
为解决Storm编程模型无法处理具有迭代结构的应用程序的问题,从迭代结构程序的特点出发,在Storm编程模型的基础上通过增加Receiver、IBolt、Checker组件组建迭代Topology,设计了一种可以处理迭代结构的编程模型,分析了这种模型实现原理,对这种模型的新增组件和其对应的应用程序接口进行介绍和分析,同时,在Storm系统架构基础上设计了一种迭代Topology的实现方案,描述了这种实现方式下解决具有迭代结构程序的具体过程,最后使用这种模型模拟实现K-Means算法,实例论证这种迭代模型的可行性。  相似文献   
利用多普勒雷达资料,结合探空和常规资料,对2011 年4 月17 日一次超级单体雹暴的流场和回波结构演变特征进行了详细研究,主要结果:该雹暴是在条件性不稳定和垂直风切变较大的环境条件下产生的右移风暴。雹云初生发展阶段,垂直剖面显示逐渐形成有组织化的斜上升气流促进雹云发展。成熟降雹阶段,雹云内形成一支强的斜上升气流和深厚的中气旋,主上升气流对应雹云的弱回波区。雹云维持典型的弱回波区—悬挂回波—回波墙特征结构。根据雷达径向速度和雹云移速订正得出的“零线”演变发现,随着雹云的发展,“零线”逐渐向悬挂回波靠近,并穿过悬挂回波,“零线”的走向为上翘式,附近“穴道”的汇集力较强,有利于降雹。通过对“零线”位置的判断可分析有利成雹的区域。根据高低空两层强回波的水平错位,利用两高度强中心连线所作剖面能快速准确得出特征剖面,并将0℃ 层以上6 km 高度处降雹潜势达到100%的45 dBZ 的区域识别为成雹区,与降雹实况对比发现识别效果良好。  相似文献   
川西北江油马角坝地区黄龙组下部风暴沉积特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
川西北江油马角坝地区上石炭统黄龙组下部发育典型的风暴沉积,包括介壳灰岩、砾屑灰岩、瘤块状灰岩、砂屑灰岩和正常沉积灰岩或泥岩等沉积类型,以及冲刷沟槽、瘤块状构造、粒序层理、水平层理、波状层理和生物扰动等沉积构造。根据野外观察和室内显微分析,结合风暴沉积标志组合,在江油马角坝地区2个剖面的黄龙组下部各识别出4层风暴层,并划分出5套风暴沉积组合。组合Ⅰ以冲刷沟槽、介壳滞留层、粗砾滞留层、块状层理、水平层理、波状层理、泥灰岩层和生物富集层为特征,沉积于正常浪基面以上强风暴作用的开阔台地环境。组合Ⅱ以瘤块状构造、粒序层理和块状层理的生物碎屑灰岩为特征,沉积于正常浪基面之上受重力流影响的局限台地环境。组合Ⅲ以冲刷沟槽、粗砾滞留层、粒序层理、块状层理为特征,沉积于浪基面以上持续风暴流作用的开阔台地边缘浅滩环境。组合Ⅳ由冲刷沟槽、正粒序层理和块状层理的生物碎屑灰岩组成,产出于组合Ⅲ之上,表明该组合在前一期风暴未完全结束时又遭到后一期风暴的侵袭,接受浪基面之上的浅滩沉积。组合Ⅴ由冲刷沟槽、粗砾滞留层和泥岩层组成,沉积于晴天浪基面以上缺少物源的极浅水开阔台地环境。以上5种组合风暴岩都发育于台地中上部,与一般的斜坡风暴岩有明显的差别,均属于近源极浅水风暴岩。风暴岩的研究对地层对比、古气候、岩相古地理、沉积盆地演化和油气勘探具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
The passive, ambient sound above the water from a river has previously untapped potential for determining flow characteristics such as stage. Measuring sub-aerial sound could provide a new, efficient way to continuously monitor river stage, without the need for in-stream infrastructure. Previous published work has suggested that there might be a relationship between sound and river stage, but the analysis has been restricted to a narrow range of flow conditions and river morphologies. We present a method to determine site suitability and the process of how to record and analyse sound. Data collected along a 500 m length of the River Washburn during July 2019 is used to determine what makes a site suitable for sound monitoring. We found that sound is controlled by roughness elements in the channel, such as a boulder or weir, which influences the sound produced. On the basis of these findings, we collect audio recordings from six sites around the northeast of England, covering a range of flow conditions and different roughness elements, since 2019. We use data from those sites collected during storms Ciara and Dennis to produce a relationship between this sound and river stage. Our analysis has shown a positive relationship between an R2 of 0.73 and 0.99 in all rivers, but requires careful site selection and data processing to achieve the best results. We introduce a filter that is capable of isolating a river's sound from other environmental sound. Future work in examining the role of these roughness elements is required to understand the full extent of this technique. By demonstrating that sound can operate as a hydrometric tool, we suggest that sound monitoring could be used to provide cost-effective monitoring devices, either to detect relative change in a river or, after more research, a reliable stage measurement.  相似文献   
青岛灵山岛下白垩统湖泊风暴沉积与风暴作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵山岛背来石剖面发育了非常典型的湖泊风暴岩和风暴作用。非常典型的丘、洼状构造发育在火山岩底部的砂页岩中。丘状构造呈典型的丘状,规模不一,小者高数厘米,宽数十厘米;大者高2. 4m,宽12. 48m;具有典型的二元结构:底部为灰色或浅灰色的砂砾岩或砂岩;顶部为深灰色 黑色泥岩、页岩或薄层砂岩互层。砂砾岩分选磨圆均很差,砾石主要为片麻岩,直径多在数毫米到3~4cm,呈悬浮式胶结。砾岩底部为凹凸不平的侵蚀面,砾岩向丘状构造两翼变薄甚至尖灭,与下部侵蚀面呈典型的角度交切。丘状构造的上部的细粒层有四个要素:①上凸形态;②丘状交错层理;③下细上粗的二元结构;④底部具侵蚀面。洼状构造也具有典型的洼状,规模也不一,小者高数厘米,宽十余厘米;大者高2. 4m,宽18. 70m,具有下细上粗的(反)二元结构,但底部多为深灰 灰黑色、甚至黑色的泥岩、页岩或夹薄层砂岩,上部多为砂岩、砂砾岩或砾岩。完整的洼状构造也有四个要素:①下凹形态;②或有洼状交错层理;③下细上粗的(反)二元结构;④底部具侵蚀面。丘状构造与洼状构造在空间上相邻共生,但不是同时形成的,一个连续的完整序列是丘状构造形成在先,洼状构造形成在后,其间由一个粒度较细的薄层分隔开(风暴最高水位时的“静”水沉积)。基于实验和丘洼构造参数计算了风暴浪的相关参数。  相似文献   
诱发渤海风暴潮的黄河气旋动力学诊断和机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黄彬  陈涛  康志明  向纯怡 《高原气象》2011,30(4):901-912
利用数字化6.7μm卫星水汽图像、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料,以及干侵入和位涡理论,对2007年3月3~5日诱发渤海罕见风暴潮过程的黄河气旋进行了天气动力学诊断和机制分析。结果表明,这次风暴潮是在欧亚中高纬度环流调整、高纬不稳定低槽东移发展及东亚大槽重建的过程中发生的,强烈发展的黄河气旋产生强偏北大风,导...  相似文献   
该文利用基于格点冰雹识别的研究成果,结合ARPS风暴数值模式的输出结果,提出基于风暴数值模式的冰雹临近预报方法,即用风暴数值预报的水物质场反演的反射率因子场作为冰雹的预报因子,并通过建立基于格点的强冰雹识别算法作为冰雹预报模型,从而对冰雹的落区及大小做出预报。与一般的冰雹预报模型相比,新的方法有以下特点:选取的冰雹预报因子物理意义更加明确,更加全面;建立的冰雹预报模型比较稳定;建立冰雹预报模型的过程相对简单。新的方法在一次强冰雹过程中得到了成功应用,在3h的临近预报中基本准确预报了强冰雹的落区位置。  相似文献   
对风暴相对螺旋度(SRH)的定义进行了介绍。通过对2007—2008年石家庄地区27次强对流天气过程的统计分析,找出短时暴雨、冰雹和大风任意组合时高、低层SRH的不同特征,得到不同天气现象的预报指标,并利用2009年的几次强对流天气过程进行了验证。结果表明:出现短时暴雨时,SRH低经常连续较长时间为正值,但数值较小,SRH高也是以正值为主;伴有冰雹或者大风时,SRH低、SRH高的差值迅速增大,SRH高可达到100 m^2·s^-2或以上。  相似文献   
To assess the flood protection capacity of dunes in The Netherlands, a semi-probabilistic dune-erosion prediction method is currently in use in which uncertainties in input parameters of an empirical dune erosion model were taken into account, with the exception of the uncertainty in the extreme surge distribution. Previous research has shown that the surge is by far the most influential parameter affecting erosion in the currently used erosion model, which is due both to the influence of the surge level itself and to the conditional dependence of the wave height and period on the surge level in the probabilistic model used for the assessment. Furthermore, the distribution of extreme surge levels has been shown to contain large statistical uncertainty. The inclusion of uncertainty in input variables into probabilistic models results in more extreme events (in this case erosion) for the same exceedance probability, largely due to the incorporation of higher values of the input variables. The goal of the research described in this paper was to determine the impact of the inclusion of uncertainty in the extreme surge distribution on the estimate of critical erosion (erosion associated with an exceedance frequency of 10− 5 per year). The uncertainty in the surge distributions was estimated and parameterized, and was incorporated into the probabilistic model. A reduction in uncertainty was subsequently imposed to estimate what value a reduction in uncertainty can offer, in terms of the impact on critical erosion. The probabilistic technique first-order reliability method (FORM) was applied to determine the relative contribution of the uncertainty in the surge distribution (as well as the remaining stochastic variables) to the critical erosion. The impact of the inclusion of uncertainty in the surge distribution on the critical retreat distance was found to be substantial with increases ranging from 34% to 93% of the original estimate at five locations along the Dutch coast. The reduced uncertainty showed a more subtle impact, with increases in critical retreat distance ranging from 10% to 26% of the original estimate. The relative importance analysis showed that the uncertainty in the surge distribution has a strong influence, with the relative importance ranging from 10% to 23% for an exceedance frequency of 10− 5 per year.  相似文献   
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